
during the unveiling of Verve by Bridget Riley, May 2023

HM The King is Patron of the British School at Rome. HRH Princess Alexandra, the Hon. Lady Ogilvy, KG, GCVO, is President of the BSR. The BSR’s governing body (trustees) is the President and the Council. The Director, Professor Abigail Brundin, acts as the BSR’s Chief Executive.
The BSR is a registered charity in England and Wales, and members of the Council are its trustees. Charity law imposes a number of specific duties on all charity trustees. In essence these are:
A duty of compliance with the charity’s objects, its governing documents and all relevant legislation and regulation.
A duty of care, to ensure that the charity is well run and efficient and that professional advice is sought in order to manage risk.
A duty of prudence in respect of managing the charity’s assets.
The terms of reference for the Council can be viewed here .
Under the Bye-Laws of the BSR, the Council of the BSR is entitled to appoint such faculties and/or advisory committees as it believes to be desirable to assist in the discharge of its tasks.
These include:
- Faculty of Archaeology, History and Letters
- Faculty of Architecture
- Faculty of the Fine Arts
The current members of the Council are shown below.
Mr Mark Getty (Chair)
Mr Bob Allies(Chair Faculty of Architecture)
Ms Laura Bruni
Professor Edward Chambers
Mr Alan Gibbins (Honorary Treasurer)
Ms Charlotte Higgins
Ms Catherine Johns
Mr Shantanu Majumdar
Mr Christopher Prentice
Ms Heather Stewart
Professor Daniel Sturgis (Chair Faculty of Fine Arts)
Mr Rohan Surana
Professor Roey Sweet (Chair Faculty of Archaeology, History and Letters)
Ms Suzanna Taverne (Deputy Chair)
Professor Beth Williamson
The Council has established the Faculty of the Fine Arts (‘FFA’) to assist it in its commitment to the study of architecture and contemporary art practices.
The duties of the Faculty are to:
select the recipients of BSR awards within the remit of the FFA;
provide a forum for advice to, and a possible consulting source for, both the Council in the formulation of policy and the Director of the BSR in carrying it out;
provide a representative academic and artistic forum to help validate and promote the work of the BSR;
consider the Director’s proposals for BSR Research Fellows;
undertake such other advisory functions as may be specified by the Council from time to time; and
provide critical appraisal of the awards in terms of their present and future status.
The terms of reference of the Faculty can be found here .
The current members of the Faculty are shown below.
Professor Daniel Sturgis Chair C
Mr Danny Rolph (Abbey Council Representative)
Mr Nathan Clements-Gillespie
Ms Cornelia Grassi
Ms Carmen Juliá
Mr Priyesh Mistry
Ms Clare Morris
Professor Tamiko O'Brien
Mr Claudio Pestana
Ms Habda Rashid
Professor Florian Roithmayr
Professor Andrew Stahl
Dr Zoé Whitley
C = member of Council
The duties of the Faculty are to:
select the recipients of BSR awards within the remit of the FAHL;
provide a forum for advice to, and a possible consulting source for, both the Council in the formulation of policy and the Director of the BSR in carrying it out;
provide an academic forum to help validate and promote the work of the BSR;
advise the Council and the Director on publication policy, the publications programme and the validation of the academic publications of the BSR;
recommend to Council for consideration the FAHL’s nominations for the posts of the Editor of the PBSR, the Chair of Publications and the Chair of Archaeology;
consider the Director’s proposals for BSR Research Fellows; and
undertake such other advisory functions as may be specified by the Council from time to time.
The terms of reference of the Faculty can be found here.
The current members of the Faculty are shown below.
Professor Roey Sweet (Chair) C
Professor Guy Bradley
Professor Jennifer Burns
Professor Flora Dennis
Professor Caroline Goodson
Professor Ian Haynes (Chair of Archaeology)
Professor Carlos Machado
Professor Simon Malloch
Prof. Florian Mussgnug (Chair of Publications)
Dr Lara Pucci
Dr Valeria Vitale
C = member of Council
The BSR’s Faculty of Architecture (effective from 1 September 2022) was established as a third faculty to sit alongside the Faculty of Archaeology, History and Letters and the Faculty of the Fine Arts.
The duties of the Faculty of Architecture are to:
select the recipients of BSR architecture awards;
provide a forum for advice and a possible source of consultancies both to the Council in the formulation of policy and to the Director of the BSR in carrying it out;
provide a representative academic/practice forum to help validate and defend the work of the BSR;
consider the Director’s proposals for BSR Research Fellows;
undertake such other advisory functions as may be specified by the Council from time to time;
provide critical appraisal of the architectural awards in terms of their present and future status.
Membership of the Faculty will normally be for a period of five years, and will be selected by open invitation. The current members are listed below.
The terms of reference of the Faculty can be found here .
Mr Bob Allies (Chair) C
Mr Tim Bell
Dr Guido Beltramini
Ms Alison Brooks
Dr Marco Iuliano
Mr Bijoy Ramachandran
Dr MaryAnne Stevens
C = member of Council
The BSR’s governing body is its Council. It is assisted in its duties by the Faculty of Archaeology, History and Letters, the Faculty of Architecture and the Faculty of the Fine Arts.
There are no current opportunities available.
These policies relate to the Governance of the British School at Rome (the “BSR”), as specified by its Council. They may be amended by the Council of the BSR from time to time as it deems appropriate, for example in order to incorporate statutory and regulatory changes or in line with best practice.
You will find all relevant policy documents to the right.
The Strategic Plan for the British School at Rome sets out our strategic objectives and is part of our governance process.