


The BSR’s publications reflect the range of its research programmes

The Papers of the British School at Rome is an internationally-renowned, multi-disciplinary annual journal featuring world-class research both by the BSR and its award-holders and by members of the broader academic community.

Other BSR publications include monographs and collected essays on archaeology, art history, classical studies and history, including material from the BSR collections.

Authors interested in submitting a manuscript for publication with the BSR should contact Courtney Quaintance (


The Papers of the British School at Rome exists to publish work related to the archaeology, history and literature of Italy and other parts of the Mediterranean area up to modern times, both by the staff of the BSR and its present and former members, and by members of the academic community engaged in top-quality research in any of these fields.

Contributions are expected to be written in such a way as to be intelligible and appeal to the broad interdisciplinary readership of the journal, while also presenting original, cutting-edge research in the individual specialist fields.

The Papers is edited by the Faculty of Archaeology, History and Letters of the Council of the BSR, and is a refereed journal.

Since vol. 79 (2011) PBSR has been published by Cambridge University Press (in print and online) on behalf of the BSR. Content is available via the Cambridge Journals online platform. Articles can be found on FirstView as they become available, with the full volume published in early October.

Visit the PBSR homepage here.
The Editor of the Papers (vol. 93 onwards) is Professor Florian Mussgnug. For more information, contact Courtney Quaintance
‘Notes to Contributors’ can be found here


In 2024 the BSR is delighted to launch a new archaeology monograph series with the leading academic publishers Archaeopress. Current volumes in preparation include a series arising from the ERC-funded Rome Transformed Project as well as a collection of papers in memory of Professor Simon Keay. Details of the Open Access publications will be posted here. Please contact the Series Editor, BSR Archaeology Manager Stephen Kay, with any enquiries.


British School at Rome Studies builds on the prestigious and long-standing Monographs series of the British School at Rome.

It publishes volumes on topics that cover the full range of the history, archaeology and art history of the Western Mediterranean both by the staff of the BSR and its present and former members, and by members of the academic community engaged in top-quality research in any of these fields.

Last copies available in person directly from the BSR Library in Rome

Borenius, T. (1923)
The picture gallery of Andrea Vendramin (€ 120,00) (slightly damaged)

Frederiksen, M. (1984)
Campania / edited with additions by Nicholas Purcell (€ 120,00)

Haynes, D.E.L. (1939)
Porta Argentariorum (€ 120,00)

Keppy, L. (1983)
Colonisation and veteran settlement in Italy, 47-14 B.C. (€ 120,00)

Luttrell, A.T. (ed.) (1975)
Medieval Malta. Studies on Malta before the Knights (€ 120,00)

Trendall, A.D. (1936)
Paestan pottery. A study of the red-figured vases of Paestum (€ 120,00)

Trendall, A.D. (1987)
The red-figured vases of Paestum (€ 100,00)


Mores, G. (ed.) (2014)
La Sardegna di Thomas Ashby : paesaggi archeologia comunità : fotografie 1906-1912 (British School at Rome Archive 12).
(published by Carlo Delfino Editore s.r.l – via Caniga 29/a, 07100 Sassari – also published in English, 2018)

Castrianni L. and Ceraudo, G. (eds) (2013)
La Regina Viarum e la via Traiana da Benevento a Brindisi nelle foto della collezione Gardner (British School at Rome Archive 11).
(published by Delta 3 Edizioni – via Valle s.n.c., 83035 Grottaminarda, Avellino)

Ceraudo, G. (ed.) (2012)
Lungo l’Appia e la Traiana. Le fotografie di Robert Gardner in viaggio con Thomas Ashby nel territorio di Beneventum agli inizi del Novecento
(published by Delta 3 Edizioni – via Valle s.n.c., 83035 Grottaminarda, Avellino)

Coates-Stephens, R. (2009)
Immagini e memoria. Rome in the photographs of Father Peter Paul Mackey, 1890-1901
(published by The British School at Rome) (available from the BSR Library Office Rome)

Images from the Past. The Archaeology of Sardinia at the End of the Nineteenth Century in the Unpublished Photographs of the Dominican Father Peter Paul Mackey (2000)
(published by Carlo Delfino Editore s.r.l – via Caniga 29/a, 07100 Sassari)

Le Pera Buranelli, S. and Turchetti, R. (eds) (2003)
Sulla Via Appia da Roma a Brindisi. Le fotografie di Thomas Ashby, 1891-1925
(published by L’Erma di Bretschneider – Via Cassiodoro 19, 00193 Roma)

Tordone, V. (ed.) (2011)
Thomas Ashby. Viaggi in Abruzzo, 1901/1923
(published by SilvanaEditoriale – via Margherita de Vizzi 86, 20092 Cinisello Balsamo, Milan)


Arthur, P. (ed.) (1994)
Il complesso archeologico di Carminiello ai Mannesi, Napoli (scavi 1983-1984)
(published by Congedo Editore – Piazza Stazione 80-88, 73013 Galatina, Lecce – for the Dipartimento di Beni Culturali, Università degli Studi, Lecce and the BSR)

Bignamini, I. and Hornsby, C. (2010)
Digging and Dealing in Eighteenth-century Rome, 2 vols
(published by Yale University Press/Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art).

Coarelli, F. and Patterson, H. (eds) (2008)
Mercator Placidissimus. The Tiber Valley in Antiquity. New Research in the Upper and Middle River Valley
(published by Edizioni Quasar).

Osborne, J., Brandt, J.R. and Morganti, G. (eds)(2004)
Santa Maria Antiqua al Foro Romano cento anni dopo. Atti del colloquio internazionale Roma, 5–6 maggio 2000
(published by Campisano Editore – Viale Battista Bardanzellu 53, 00155 Rome)


Available for free download

Aslan, Z., Court, S., Teutonico, J.M., Thompson, J. (eds)(2018)
Protective Shelters for Archaeological Sites (Proceedings of a symposium, Herculaneum, Italy, 23-27 September 2013)


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