Papers of the British School at Rome

Papers of the British School at Rome

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Latest Events

City of Rome | House Museums in ancient Rome and the memoria of Clement
Romans were extremely interested in the genealogy of their houses. Changes of ownership were remembered, documented, and occasionally misrepresented. Certain houses were treated with something
10 April 2024
18:00 - 19:30
Rediscovering Byzantium | Le biblioteche della riscoperta: un caso di studio dalla Roma rinascimentale
I protagonisti della riscoperta di Bisanzio stabiliscono un rapporto privilegiato con il libro, strumento essenziale nel lavoro e nella vita privata di ogni erudito. Le
17 April 2024
18:00 - 19:30
2024 Ashby Patrons’ Visita Annuale di Roma
Further itinerary details in the coming months. If you are an Ashby Patron please add these dates to your diary and stay tuned! If you
18 - 21 April 2024
