Raphaële Mouren

Raphaële Mouren

Raphaële joined the BSR in May 2022 to become Head of Research Collections. She was previously Librarian of the Warburg Institute and Reader in History of the Book and History of Libraries, University of London. She is currently President, Association d’études sur la Renaissance, l’Humanisme et la Réforme, Deputy Director of the Centre Gabriel Naudé (Enssib, Lyon), and Senior Research Fellow, The Warburg Institute.

She was a Membre at the Ecole française de Rome for 3 years. She has worked in French libraries, specialising in Rare Books and Special collections, and has taught future librarians at Enssib. She edited the handbook for French Librarians (Le métier de bibliothécaire, 2003, 2nd ed. revised 2007) and wrote the handbook for French Rare Books and Special Collection librarians (Manuel du patrimoine en bibliothèque, 2007).

Her main research interests are the history of philology, the history of scholarship and the transmission of classics in the Sixteenth Century; the Republic of Letters; the history of the book and publishing and the relationship between humanists and publishers, mainly in Italy, France and the European humanist printers; the cultural history of Florence and Rome in the Sixteenth Century; the history of private libraries in the modern period. List of publications: https://cv.archives-ouvertes.fr/raphaele-mouren

She supervises research students at the Warburg Institute on Cultural history and History of the Book, History of Libraries, History of the Transmission of Classical Culture, Interactions between literature and visual arts.

You can contact Raphaële at r.mouren@bsrome.it or by telephone on (+39) 06-32649380.

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