Falerii Novi

Falerii Novi

Excavation at Falerii Novi 2023
2023 Falerii Novi Project excavation team
Excavation north of the forum, Falerii Novi 2023
Excavation of the macellum, Falerii Novi 2023

The Falerii Novi project analyses the urban development of this South Etrurian Roman town. The site, which is central to our understanding of urbanisation in central Italy in the Roman and post-Roman period has been the subject of few excavations. In 1997, as part of the Tiber Valley Project, the BSR and Southampton University undertook a major geophysical survey of the site, revealing an exceptional plan of the city. Recent GPR work by the universities of Cambridge and Ghent have provided yet further detail.

Based on these surveys, the BSR, together with the universities of Toronto and Harvard, with the support of the Soprintendenza Archeologia, Belle Arti e Paesaggio per la provincia di Viterbo e per l’Etruria meridionale, have begun a series of excavations aimed at studying the intramural development of the town.

Excavations began in 2022 examining key areas within the city walls: the macellum, a domus to the south of the forum, an intersection inside the South Gate and a row of taberna on the northern side of the forum. Reports on each season can be found in the Papers of the British School at Rome.

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