The Hellenistic sanctuary at Monte Rinaldo
Excavation of the western portico at La Cuma, Monte Rinaldo
A reused architectural terracotta in the later Augustan building.
In 2016, the BSR together with the Università di Bologna and Centro Studi per l’Archeologia dell’Adriatico commenced a project to investigate ancient cities and landscapes in the middle Adriatic area. In the first few years, research has focused on the Mid-Republican sanctuary site of Monte Rinaldo in the Marche region, known as ‘La Cuma’. Initial work began with a geophysical survey conducted by the BSR, which has been followed by several seasons of excavation led by Bologna University. A particular focus of the research has been the effect of Roman occupation in the area, as well as the study of a hitherto little-known Imperial phase of the sanctuary complex. Future research will focus on other sites in the mid-Adriatic region, as well as the Etruscan site of Spina.