A film program of documentaries portraying subversive acts of resistance.
Curated by Dr Eloise Fornieles and Marta Pellerini
This program brings together three films documenting the lives and activities of people speaking to power by demonstrating subversive acts of resistance. Inventive, touching and with bursts of humour, the filmmakers and their protagonists use the languages of film, performance and broadcasting to amplify their stories.
8 January 2025, 6 pm
Together with Lorenza Mazzetti
Directed by by Brighid Lowe, 2019, 55min, in English with Italian subtitle
Followed by a Q&A between director Brighid Lowe and artist Eloise Fornieles.
5 February 2025, 6 pm – in occasion of the LGBTQIA+ History Month in UK
Il principe di Ostia Bronx
Directed by Raffaele Passerini, 2017, 61mins, in Italian with English subtitles
The film will be followed by a Q&A between the director Raffaele Passerini and curator Eleonora Santamaria
26 March 2024, 6 pm
Few Can See (2023, 42mins)
2 Channel Land (2022, 15mins)
Directed by Frank Sweeney, in English with Italian subtitles
The films will be followed by a Q&A between the director Frank Sweeney and Manuela Pacella.
Download the flyer here.
All the screenings will take place at the British School at Rome, via Antonio Gramsci 61, Rome.
For further information please contact info@bsrome.it