Rome Transformed

Rome Transformed

The Rome Transformed Project team at Porta Asinaria
Basilica di San Giovanni in Laterano
The San Giovanni in Laterano survey team
Laser scanning and photogrammetry of the Aqua Claudia, Villa Wolkonsky.

The Rome Transformed Project (RomeTrans) is an advanced ERC-funded research project (2019-2025) which aims to advance our understanding of Rome and its place in cultural change across the Mediterranean World by mapping political, military, and religious changes to the eastern Caelian from the first to eighth centuries CE.

The project is conducted by Newcastle University, the Università degli Studi di Firenze, the British School at Rome and the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche.

The project has three objectives: first, to determine the appearance of the buildings and spaces that articulated and drove these changes, producing academically robust visualisations. Second, it brings these elements together to model the key transformations that saw the Eastern Caelian reshaped to meet the needs of shifting political, military, and religious ideas. Third, it provides a longer-term interdisciplinary perspective on the changing shape of this pivotal area than any previously attempted. The volumes arising from this research are now in preparation for publication in the BSR Archaeology Series.

The proceedings of the 2021 conference on non-invasive research methods is now published:

For more information, visit the project website:

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