The documentary written by 2021 BSR Rome Awardee Davide Massimo is online

The documentary written by 2021 BSR Rome Awardee Davide Massimo is online

The documentary “L’amore sacro e l’amor profano: due donne straordinarie dell’antica Roma” is finally online! It was written by Dr Davide Massimo (University of Nottingham), recipient of a Rome Award at the British School at Rome in 2021, together with Dr Chiara Cenati and Mirko Tasso (University of Vienna) and directed by Federico Zanotti.

The short film tells the story of two exceptional women from Imperial Rome as recorded in two poetic inscriptions (in Latin and Greek) preserved at the Museo Nazionale Romano: these women, though in very different ways, embraced unconventional marriages, the details of which remain mysterious.

The documentary was produced in cooperation with the ERC-funded project MAPPOLA (University of Vienna), funded by the Faculty of Historical and Cultural Studies of the University of Vienna and supported by the Italian Ministry of Culture – Museo Nazionale Romano, the University of Nottingham, and the British School at Rome.

Watch the documentary here:

Film still
Film Still

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