We are delighted to announce that we are now accepting applications for the Simon Keay Award in Mediterranean Archaeology. This new BSR award, established in 2021 in memory of Professor Simon Keay, is for research on any aspect of Roman archaeology in the Mediterranean. Applications are welcomed in areas of research similar to, although not limited by, work undertaken by Simon, in particular trade, ports, Portus and ceramic studies.
The Award
Open to
The Award is open to early career researchers. Applicants may be at post-graduate or post-doctoral level. For postgraduates, applicants normally will have begun a programme of research in the general field of the Roman archaeology in the Mediterranean, whether or not registered for a higher degree. Post-doctoral applicants normally will be within three years of the award of their doctorate (i.e. awarded no earlier than February 2019). The Award is an open call and is not restricted by nationality, residency or educational affiliation.
3 months
Research Grant
The award may take the following formats: free board and lodging at the BSR for three months, with a stipend of £500/month OR free board and lodging at the BSR for one month (with a stipend of £500), and two months of fieldwork (to be undertaken within a year of the award being made), with support of £750 per month.
4 March 2022
Further information, including details on how to apply, can be found here.
This award was made possible by the overwhelming support received by way of our successful GoFundMe campaign, which helped raise the funds to make this opportunity possible. We are most grateful for all of the support received.