Directed by Angela Trentacoste (British School at Rome) & Erica Rowan (Royal Holloway)
Dates: 9–22 June 2024.
Participants are expected to attend the full session.
Introduction: This intensive two-week programme is designed to provide a foundation in the theory and methods of environmental archaeology, alongside focused in-field training in the collection and processing of environmental evidence (macrobotanical and zooarchaeological remains) relevant to Roman sites. Participants will leave the programme with a strong foundation in on-site environmental archaeology, and essential knowledge on bulk sampling strategy, set up of a water-separation machine for the recovery of charred plant remains, small bones and artefacts, and processing of faunal remains and bulk sediment samples. The programme emphasises hands-on work with plant and animal remains, undertaken alongside a taught programme of short talks, case studies, seminars with directed readings, and in-field activities that introduce a broader range of topics in environmental archaeology. The field school runs as part of the Falerii Novi Project’s on-going excavations (see below).
Bursaries: The Falerii Novi Project is offering at least 3 bursaries for participation in the inaugural session. This will cover the costs of participation in the summer school (accommodation, meals and local travel). Participants will need to cover their own travel costs to the site.
The Falerii Novi Project: The project is an international collaboration between the British School at Rome, Institute of Classical Studies (University of London) and the universities of Harvard and Toronto, with further support from the universities of Ghent and Florence. The excavations began in 2021 inside the city walls of Falerii Novi following authorisation by the Ministero della Cultura and is supported by the Soprintendenza Archeologia, Belle Arti e Paessaggio per la Provincia di Viterbo e per l’Etruria Meridionale. The site sits just 50km north of Rome, along the ancient Via Amerina. The project aims to analyse the diachronic urban, economic and socio-historical development of the city from mid-Republican foundation to a suspected abandonment in the early Middle Ages. The project has undertaken large-scale excavation focused on several areas: the macellum, a domus south of the forum, and an insula and intersection along the Via Amerina near the south gate, and tabernae along the town’s forum. In summer 2024, the project will continue exploring these areas through open area excavation with a team of ca. 35 people from a range of nationalities and universities along with visiting specialists.
How to Apply: Candidates should apply by letter, of no more than 1000 words, setting out their reasons for wishing to undertake this placement, how participation would contribute to their study and interests, and outlining any previous experience. You should also provide the name and email address of a referee. Letters of application should be addressed to the field school directors, Dr Angela Trentacoste and Dr Erica Rowan, and sent by email to by 31 March, 2024 to:
More info here: