Jennifer Burns

Jennifer Burns

Jennifer Burns is Professor of Italian Studies in the School of Modern Languages and Cultures at the University of Warwick. Her research and teaching focus broadly on late twentieth- and twenty-first-century Italian literature, cinema and cultural history, with a specialism in literature in Italian written by migrant, postcolonial, minoritized ethnic, and Black Italian writers in Italy (Migrant Imaginaries, 2013). Her current project explores the writing practices of transnational authors and the agency of ‘world literatures’ operating in the peripheries of global literary markets. She is co-editor with Derek Duncan of Transnational Modern Languages: A Handbook(2022), cornerstone volume of the ‘Transnational Modern Languages’ book series (Liverpool University Press) of which she is co-founder and co-editor. She is a member of the AHRC Peer Review College and of research funding panels in other European nations and serves on the advisory boards for the journals, altrelettereScritture migranti and Moderna Språk.

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