Beautiful is the vessel: a carnival of queer shorts

Beautiful is the vessel: a carnival of queer shorts

Curated by Claudio Pestana & Marta Pellerini
Curated by Claudio Pestana & Marta Pellerini

As part of the UK’s LGBTQ+ History Month, the BSR is holding in Rome an evening of international queer moving-image works. The LGBTQ+ History Month is celebrated in the UK in February, which coincides with both Saint Valentine’s Day and the Carnival season in Italy. So, a convergence of such festive events calls for a special evening showcasing a diverse range of works that are experimental, poetic, celebratory, irreverent, and defiant. The evening will include the rarely screened ‘Beautiful People’ (1987) by David Wojnarowicz, along with other works by international artists and filmmakers, such as Leslie Foster, Agnes Questionmark, Antonia Luxem, Claudio Pestana, and Mohsin Shafi.

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