Although a fraction of its original size, the “Casa dei Crescenzi” is the most imaginative recycling of ancient architecture to survive from medieval Rome. Three poems inscribed on its façades, one as much a collage as the building, address the passer-by in a now indistinct voice. What role did the building originally play on the Roman stage, and what were the messages it ventriloquized through its inscriptions?
This event will be in English.
Fabio Barry is Associate Fellow at the Warburg Institute. He formerly taught at the University of St. Andrews and Stanford University. His book Painting in Stone: Architecture and the Poetics of Marble from Antiquity until the Enlightenment (Yale University Press 2020) was “Best Book published in Architecture and Urban Studies” of the Association of American Publishers; “Book of the Year, 2021” by Apollo Magazine; and won the Alice Davis Hitchcock Medallion of the Society of Architectural Historians of Great Britain (2021);
The event will be held both in-person and online. No registration is required to attend in person, to attend online please register on zoom. We look forward to seeing you soon!