Fine Arts Talk | Permindar Kaur

Fine Arts Talk | Permindar Kaur

Online event. Recording of the talk will be accessible on the BSR Youtube page.
Online event. Recording of the talk will be accessible on the BSR Youtube page.

The BSR is pleased to present the second event of the FA Talks series. On 28 February at 6pm, artist Permindar Kaur will give a talk about her practice. Permindar Kaur is a sculpture/installation artist, whose approach to art is playful, using childlike objects to explore the territory of cultural identity, home and belonging. Kaur will introduce her creative practice from 1990 to the current day, starting from her large-scale projects including the ones curated by Eddie Chambers for Arnolfini Gallery, Bristol and the B.B.C Billboard Art project, Glasgow in 1992.

She will also talk about the work that she exhibited in the British Art Show 4 in 1995 and how this show led to great projects and opportunities, as she exhibited in New York, Australia, Japan, Portugal and Norway. Her shows include Flexible Co-existence (1997) at Art Tower Mito with David Hammons and Felix Gonzalez-Torres and At Home with Art, at the Tate Britain in London. Kaur will also explore how her practice and career changed and developed after she started her family and will talk about her current research and plans for a solo show that will take place at John Hansard Gallery this summer.

Permindar Kaur is a sculpture/installation artist, whose approach to art is playful, using childlike objects to explore the territory of cultural identity, home and belonging. 

Kaur has exhibited internationally in both major solo and group exhibitions. Recent solo shows include The Room, Niru Ratnam Gallery (2023); Outgrown, ArtHouse (2022) HOME, 5 Howick Place, London (2020-21); Hiding Out, Djanogly Art Gallery, Nottingham (2014); Cold Comfort (1996) Ikon Gallery

Major group exhibitions include Breaking the Mould: Sculpture by Women since 1945, YSP & UK tour (2021-23); Ikon in the 90’s, Ikon Gallery, Birmingham (2021) Animals & Us, Turner Contemporary, Margate (2018):  At Home with Art, Tate Britain, London (2000);  Flexible Co-existence – Art Tower Mito, Mito, Japan (1997): Pictura Britannica, Art from Britain – Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney, Australia (1997) British Art Show 4 (1995)

The talk will only be accessible online. In order to attend, please sign up to the link above. The talk will be recorded and will be accessible on the BSR YouTube page.

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