Activity Logs

Activity Logs

Award-Holders at lunch, 2023
BSR Staff in the dining room, 2023
BSR Staff taking English lessons in the seminar room, 2023
Minted in Enemy Bronze, Justin Randolph Thompson Solo Show, 2023

Activities & People

Latest Events

Latest Events

Black History Month | Un altro patrimonio è possibile: Hardeep Dhindsa & Maria Pia Guermandi in dialogo sulla decolonizzazione del patrimonio
In occasione del Black History Month, che dal 1987 nel Regno Unito ad ottobre celebra i contributi delle persone Nere alla storia, si terrà il
9 October 2024
18:00 - 19:30
Falerii Veteres e Falerii Novi: il fenomeno urbano nella media valle del Tevere / Falerii Veteres and Falerii Novi: the urban phenomenon in the Middle Tiber Valley
On 14 and 15 October we will celebrate archaeological research in the area of Falerii Novi and Falerii Veteres.On 14 October, from 6.00 to 7.30
14 Oct: 6 - 7.30 pm
15 Oct: 9 am, 7 pm
Rushforth Lecture | How did peasants react to city government? Rome and Piacenza in the late twelfth century
Exactly how cities extended their power over the countryside in the late twelfth century and later has often been studied, but above all from the
23 October 2024
18:00 - 19:30
